To be printed - filled - signed and sent by surface mail    Traduction en franηais

Parental Authorisation Form for <18-year old attending a programme in London


The participant:

Student's first and last name …………………………………………

Nationality ………………………………………………………………………

Date of birth ……………………………………………………………………

Starting date of classes (Monday) ……………………………………

Ending date of classes (Friday) …………………………………………


The parent/guardian:

I undersigned:

First and last name …………………………………………

  Father       Mother      Person in charge

Address …………………………………………………………………………


agrees or certifies the following points:

1/ For participants under 18 years old in London but NOT FOR THE GROUP 12-14 "Learn English Performing Arts" that will be accompanied everywhere at all times.

I authorize the participant to travel ALONE on her/his own risk (delete as needed)

°between the airport/station and the host family on the days of arrival and departure. I do not take the optional transfer service.

°between the host family and the school address or meeting point (for the language, tennis, cultural or any other chosen programme as many times as required by the programme.

2/ For all participants:

I certify that I will not hold responsible Christθle Le Lay neither Le Lay Language Consulting nor the organisations providing the programme (language school, sports club, IAPA, Compagnie Allegria or any other), nor the host family for any accident on the participant's way between their places or on their premises encumbered or inflicted by the participant himself, causing physical or material damage. I certify that the participant is fully insured for any liability he may cause anywhere, at any point during the programme and the name of the insurance company is …………………………………………

I understand that the organisations delivering the programme are fully insured regarding their public and professional liabilities during the hours on their premises. It excludes therefore any participant leaving the premises unaccompanied and /or unauthorized.

I certify therefore that the participant is mature enough to respect the programme's and host family rules: be on time for meals, be back at 7:00 pm the latest, no going out unaccompanied after that time.

I agree to any medical or surgical attention deemed necessary. In case these requirements are necessary I shall be informed as quickly as possible. My emergency phone numbers are ……………………………………………………………………


I agree (rule out if you do not) that pictures and videos of the participant may be taken and sent to the group of participants or published on any promotional support related to the programme including on the Internet.

Place: …………………………………………          Date: …………………………………………



This form must be filled out for students under 18 years old in London. It must be addressed by surface mail to
Christθle Pinault-Le Lay
893 Littoral F. Mistral 83000 Toulon France